The IALE 2013 European Congress is hosted by ialeUK in partnership with IALE Europe. IALE chapters exist across the world. All members of IALE will receive a discount at the Congress. You are encouraged to join the IALE chapter that is local to where you live.
European Chapters
- Europe: IALE-Europe
- Czech Republic: České společnosti pro krajinnou ekologii (CZ-IALE)
- Denmark: Dansk Landskabsøkologisk Forening
- Germany: IALE Deutschland
- Italy: Società Italiana di Ecologia del Paesaggio (SIEP)
- Netherlands: Werkgemeenschap voor Landschapsonderzoek (WLO)
- Poland: Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu (PAEK)
- Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Ecologia da Paisagem (APEP)
- Slovak Rebublic: Slovenskej Asociácie pre Krajinnú Ekológiu (IALE-SK)
- Sweden: IALE-Sverige
- United Kingdom: International Association for Landscape Ecology - UK Region (ialeUK)
Outside Europe
We look forward to welcoming people from all over the world to the IALE 2013 European Congress. The IALE international website contains details of IALE chapters in other parts of the world.