The IALE 2013 European Congress is hosted by ialeUK [1] in partnership with IALE Europe [2]. IALE chapters exist across the world. All members of IALE will receive a discount at the Congress. You are encouraged to join the IALE chapter that is local to where you live.
European Chapters
- Europe: IALE-Europe [2]
- Czech Republic: České společnosti pro krajinnou ekologii (CZ-IALE) [3]
- Denmark: Dansk Landskabsøkologisk Forening [4]
- Germany: IALE Deutschland [5]
- Italy: Società Italiana di Ecologia del Paesaggio (SIEP) [6]
- Netherlands: Werkgemeenschap voor Landschapsonderzoek (WLO) [7]
- Poland: Polska Asocjacja Ekologii Krajobrazu (PAEK) [8]
- Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Ecologia da Paisagem (APEP) [9]
- Slovak Rebublic: Slovenskej Asociácie pre Krajinnú Ekológiu (IALE-SK) [10]
- Sweden: IALE-Sverige [11]
- United Kingdom: International Association for Landscape Ecology - UK Region (ialeUK) [1]
Outside Europe
We look forward to welcoming people from all over the world to the IALE 2013 European Congress. The IALE [12] international website contains details of IALE chapters in other parts of the world [13].